Friday, February 5, 2010

Renee Falanga-Brenner's Letter to the Editor 02/04/10: Why I'll Vote Yes on Feb 9th

The reason I am voting YES on Feb. 9 is simple. Our school district is in dire need of a new middle school that meets the safety and educational standards so that ALL our children have access to a public education that prepares them for a successful future. This means renovating the middle school so it offers an updated technological education in a hands-on learning environment. Our school district community has a history of band-aiding existing problems which wastes time and money. In the end it is our children who suffer the consequences.

The current and previous elected school boards have devoted MANY volunteer hours to devise a renovation that is not only cost effective but addresses the needs and concerns of the students, staff and the community. Many other individuals, such as school personnel, teachers, students, administrators and community members have also helped with this project proposal. I thank you all for your dedication and I hope and pray the vote passes. I just think about the many hours you could have been spending with your own children and family. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I am a homeowner and a parent of four New Paltz School District students. This vote will only effect my youngest child. However, one of the biggest reasons my oldest child was not able to attend the middle school was because of the inaccessibility for students who use a wheelchair. The bigger picture here is that the middle school is not truly accessible and that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for not only students with disabilities, but staff and parents to work or attend events at the school if they have a disability. At any given time a person can become a person with a disability. Again, this public school SHOULD be accessible for all!

In closing, I suggest that the citizens of New Paltz attend town planning board meetings and voice your concerns as to why we don't encourage and ALLOW businesses to locate to New Paltz. Doing so would surely pick up the tax burden on ALL homeowners. We have an exit off the Thruway...bring in those businesses that allow New Paltz residents to stay local and residents of other locales to COME TO NEW PALTZ!

So please vote YES on Feb. 9. Before you do, go to the website and read for yourself what the plan REALLY costs and what it involves (

Remember our children's successful future is ours as well!

Renee Falanga-Brenner
New Paltz

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